About FIT-150:

Fit-150: Intended Evolution Health Fitness. Based on Dr. Don Zhangs, DAOM, Ph.D, theory of Intended Evolution, this program combines eastern traditional health arts with modern science theories to strengthen our bodies and minds against the environmental pressures facing us today. Using our intention and forms to create an internal/external environment that allows the body to evolve into state of health and well-being, with a blueprint mapped out for longevity.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pieces of the puzzle

The Goal:
Humans are one of the only animals that do not live to their fullest life potential (actually years). We should easily be able to live to 125-175. We have all heard of people living to be 100 or more and we all know or heard of people dying from a heart attack to 45. That’s a big difference 45 & 100!
Why do some people live longer than others? Many people don’t even know how long we are capable of living. Our goal is to live a healthy, fully functional life to 150.

The Plan:
If you don’t have a plan (blueprint), you leave yourself open to others and/or environments to dictate your plan. Basically leaving it up to chance (natural selection). Sun Tzu in the Art of War- says that the more detailed the plan of attack/defense the better the chance to win; no plan yields a very poor chance to win. Why not be proactive and choose how you want your life to be? We now know where we want to go (150) but how do we get there?

Just like going a road trip you know your destination but are you going to start the trip without a map or a planned route?

So we need Intention. Within the body we have a basic intention already installed; its survival. The body is always going to do what it needs to do in order to survive. Therefore we need to use detailed intention, short term and long term to create new and maintain/regain function.

With the blueprint we also need physical reinforcement (course of action) of the mental image or picture. We have all heard that a thousand mile journey begins with one step. You have a plan/goal in mind but you have to take the necessary steps in order to achieve what you have planned out too.

Just remember the more simple things are the more difficult they are, because you have to focus! These exercise are extremely simple but when done are extremely powerful especially when plugged into your 150 blueprint.

Stress and our environment all directly influence us. Many of our functions today came about through a need based on stress and our environment.
Nowadays we can control our environment (AC/Heating, Lights), with this our body has lost some purpose and function… yielding disease. For example the poison from the wild Chinese blowfish is so toxic that one-drop could kill a cow. Now because of farm raising, being raised in sectioned off areas with no predators, the blowfish has become less and less poisonous (no need) only after a few generations. If we don’t use a particular function we can and do lose it to some extent. Astronauts in outer space all lose massive bone density because there is no gravitational stress on their bone. We as humans are very complex multi-cellular organisms. Through our evolution many of our organ functions are related to other organ functions. As one weakens the other can weaken, as one gets stronger the other gets stronger. For instance heart and lung function are closely related and both have a tremendous affect on the brain. Understanding our past we can use intention, and stress to strengthen weakened function or maintain strong function.

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